Cusco On Line, Tourist Information - Cusco Peru

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Cusco has all services of a cosmopolitan city oriented towards tourism, outside Cusco we cannot say the same, therefore we recommend that you get your supplies in Cusco city. The offer of services keep increasing in order to satisfy an increasing demand of the great tourist flow that each year visit Cusco.


You can buy "Boleto Tur�stico" in any of the following offices:
- Avda. Sol 103 Of. 102 (Galer�as Tur�sticas) Tel. 22.70.37 From 8am to 6 pm
- Esquina Calle Gracilazo y Heladeros s/n (Casa Gracilazo) Tel. 22.69.19
With this "Boleto" you can get to visit the following places:

Museum of the Municipal Palace; Site Museum of Coricancha, the churches of Santa Catalina, San Blas, Regional Museum, Museum of Religious Art, Sacsahuam�n, Quenqo, Tambomachay, Pisac, Ollantaytambo, Chinchero, Tip�n and Pikillaqta. 
Full ticket: USD 45.00 
Partial: USD 25.00
Student: USD 25.00
Valid for 5 to 10 days
Tourist Information Office
Portal de Mantas 188 - (near La Merced church)
From Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 6.30 p.m.
Saturday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Tel. 26.31.76

Tourist Protection Office (INDECOPI)
Portal Carrizos 250, Plaza de Armas
From Monday to Sunday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Tel. 25. 29. 74/ 23.44.98
There is an Office at the Airport
Tel. 22.26.11

Decentralized INDECOPI Office
Avenida de la Cultura 732- A
Tel. 25.29.87



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